This is the prototype for the turn based RPG I've been working on, codenamed Project Alpha. Due to life and other projects, it's been a while since I've worked on it. I've created the entire system from scratch, using the base systems that the Godot game engine provides. It's been difficult to get a system that plays well and isn't horrid to code in, but I've managed to apply S.O.L.I.D. principles effectively in this latest attempt.

In this prototype, it opens directly into combat. The basis for combat, and the core innovation for Project Alpha as a game, is in finding ways to streamline the most familiar type of JRPG-style gameplay so it feels buttery smooth to play. In a sea of RPGs where half the game is navigating menus, such a seemingly mundane change is an unwitting dealbreaker for countless players.

It currently lacks the UI needed to explain what's going on, so I've listed some controls below.

If the character is blue, they haven't been given a command.
If they are yellow, they have been given a command. You can give them a new one by selecting them with A or D, and then punching in a new command.
If they are grey, they are KO'd.

In commanding:
W, S, Up, Left, Down :: Do nothing, press backspace for player to be responsive again
A, D :: Select different party members
Right :: Prepare "attack"
Enter :: Trigger the action phase of combat, but only if full party has commands.

In targeting:
Left, Right :: Move target reticle
Enter :: Pick target

When you finish combat, you appear in the top left of the very basic overworld I've designed. You can use the arrow keys to move right, and touching the wolf will restart combat (albeit in a broken state).

Apologies for the ramshackle design. As I've said, it's been a while.

- Vivi

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